  Editorial board
  For Authors
  Publishing ethics

Journal`s indexing








1. The author (co-authors) should send the following documents to the editors office: thoroughly proofread text of the article signed by the author (co-authors), information about the author (authors), annotation in Russian and English, keywords in Russian and English, and the digital copies of all the aforementioned documents on a CD or via

2. The article is received for review if and only it satisfies the requirements for the original versions of the publications (see "Requirements" page and current issues of the journal).

3. The article is registered by the executive editor with the following information included: submission date, title of the article, full names of the authors and the employment of the authors. An individual identification number is assigned to the article. The aforementioned data are also added to the database. The executive editor acknowledges the receipt of the article within 7 days.

4. All articles submitted to the editors office are reviewed.

Review types:

·     internal (articles are reviewed by the members of the editorial board);

·     external (the articles are sent for review to leading industry professionals).

Executive editor defines whether the article corresponds to the specialization of the journal, complies with the style requirements, then sends the article for the review to a specialist, Candidate of Science or Doctor of Science with corresponding specialization.

The article can be reviewed by a member of the editorial board or an external reviewer.

5. The reviewer should examine the article within 2 weeks and send a grounded dismissal or a review to the editors office (via e-mail or regular post).

The review should cover the following issues: 

·     correspondence of the article contents with the title of the article;

·     correspondence of the article contents with current scientific thought;

·     the availability of the article to readers in terms of the language, style, structure, etc.

·     practicability of the publication with regard to previously published literature on the topic;

·     advantages and disadvantages of the article, corrections and additions to be made by the author;

·     conclusion with regard to the possibility of the publication: “recommended”, “recommended after the correction of the mistakes found by the reviewer” or “not recommended” for publication in the "Issues of Law" journal.

The reviews are attested in accordance with the established procedure in the organization where the reviewer is employed.

7. Having received the review, the editors board decides to publish or dismiss the article.

If the article can be published after the correction, the board recommends to improve the article considering the reviewer's comments. If the article is not accepted, the board enlists the reasons for dismissal.

The article, which was corrected by the author with regard to the reviewer's comments, is examined according to the standard procedure. A record on the submission of a new version of the article is added to the registration log.

In case of dismissal the editors office provides the grounded finding to the author.

If the article was not recommended for publication by the reviewer, it cannot be submitted again. A copy of the negative review is forwarded to the author via fax, email or regular post. 

A positive review is not sufficient for publication of the article. Final publication decision is made by the chief editor.

Once the publication decision is made, the executive editor informs the author and specifies the publication date.

Original reviews are stored at the editorial board and at the editors office of the "Issues of Law" journal.